Below is a list of September – December 2022 TCCI & NTGT classes (Texas Concealed Carry Institute and North Texas Gun Training).
North Texas Gun Training is located in Cumby, Texas 20 minutes east of Greenville. TCCI trains in McKinney / Prosper.
NTGT is classroom and range on location. There are 6 training ranges which allows for even more diverse training capabilities.
Same instructors, same great courses and more! If you have completed any advanced course you can audit at either location for ½ price.
Note: Clinics are for those who have completed the corresponding Level 1 course, Handgun/Carbine/Shotgun, those students are on the invitation list.
Sunday 9/11/22 Handgun Clinic NTGT/Cumby: Handgun 830AM-1130 / Open range after.
Saturday 9/17/22 Level 1 Handgun TCCI/McKinney 8AM-6PM.
Saturday 9/24/22 Handgun/Carbine Clinic HG NTGT/Cumby: Handgun 9AM-Noon / Carbine 1PM-4PM Open range after 4PM.
Lunch Noon-1PM
Sunday 10/2/22 Level 1 Handgun NTGT/Cumby 9AM-530PM. Lunch provided.
Saturday 10/8/22 New Class! Low Light Carbine/Rifle NTGT/Cumby 300PM – 10PM (Must have completed Level 1 Carb/Rifle)
Class starts with daylight drills. Completes with low/light no light drills. Night vision welcome but not required. Dinner provided.
Not on website yet will be soon!
Saturday 10/15/22 Level 1 Carbine/Rifle TCCI/McKinney 8AM-6PM
Friday 10/21/22 Level 1 Handgun TCCI/McKinney 8AM-6PM.
Sunday 10/23/22 Level 1 Shotgun NTGT/Cumby 9AM-530PM.
Lunch provided.
Saturday 10/29/22 Handgun/Carbine Clinic TCCI/McKinney: Handgun 1230PM-4PM
Sunday 11/6/22 Handgun/Carbine Clinic HG NTGT/Cumby: Handgun 9AM-Noon / Carbine 1PM-4PM Open range after 3PM.
Lunch provided Noon-1PM.
Saturday 11/12/22 Level 1 Carbine/Rifle NTGT/Cumby 9AM-530PM.
Lunch provided.
Saturday 11/19/22 Shooting from Concealment & Low Light TCCI/McKinney 11AM-9PM.
Saturday 12/3/22 Level 2 Handgun TCCI/McKinney 8AM-6PM.
Saturday 12/11/22 Level 3 Carbine/Rifle NTGT/Cumby 9AM-530PM.(This course is only offer at NTGT due to range limitations in McKinney)
Lunch provided.
Sunday 12/17/22 Handgun/Shotgun Clinic HG NTGT/Cumby: Handgun 9AM-Noon / Shotgun 1PM-4PM Open range after 4PM.
Lunch provide Noon-1PM.
All Clinics are $75.00 effective 9/7/22.
Phil Ryan
New Fall Training Calendar 2022
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